Friday, June 7, 2013

Looking for Speakers!

While this summer is likely going to be slow, we're always looking for speakers who want to talk about anything relevant to functional programming.

One kind of talk that anyone can do is "How to program functionally in language X". This is a nice talk to put together because it just relies on your knowledge of your favorite language in order to talk about the functional features in the language, because hey everyone says that LISP is functional just because you can throw a few lambdas around right?

Send an email to if you're interested in speaking in the summer or fall!


Abram (EFPUG Organizer)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hands On Haskell notes

We had our Hands On Haskell meeting with 6 people in attendance all learning haskell.

If you want to see the tutorial we were working with checkout:

Haskell Tutorial (C) 2013 Abram Hindle CC-BY 3.0 For Edmonton Functional Programmers Users Group
Hi this is a literate program

Friday, April 26, 2013

Hands-on Introduction to Haskell!

What: EFPUG Meetup: Hands-on Introduction to Haskell!
When: MONDAY May 6th @ 6:00 pm in CSC 2-49 @ UAlberta

Bring you laptops! Install Haskell on them before hand and let's get hacking!

This will be an introduction to Haskell syntax, functions, scope, data structures and writing basic Haskell structures. But it will be hands on! You'll be making executable code!

So experienced or not you'll learn something. We often go to RATT afterwards for drinks and food.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Haskell Code Golf on March 5th

What: Haskell Code Golf
When: March 5th @ 6:00 pm in CSC 2-49 @ UAlberta

This meeting is going to be a hands-on functional programming meeting! Bring your laptop and we'll walk-through some fun programming problems:
We'll code golf! Par is the number of characters!

We'll solve problems and then try to make the solutions REALLY SMALL.

So if you're new to haskell come and learn some really dirty tricks!

If you're a haskell veteran come show us your dirty haskell tricks ;)

This is an interactive session, please bring a laptop :)

Afterwards we'll probably go for drinks at RATT.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Feb 5th Meeting: Haskell Code Share/Walkthrough/Tutorial (SDL, Random, Laziness, etc.)

Feb 5th Meeting: Haskell Code Share/Walkthrough/Tutorial (SDL, Random, Laziness, etc.)

When: February 5th @ 6:00 pm in CSC 2-49 @ UAlberta
Presenters: Abram Hindle, Joshua Campbell, and more!
This meeting is going to be a hands-on functional programming meeting! Bring your laptop and we'll walkthrough some existing systems and talk about how functionality was achieved functionally (or not).
  • Haskell sand game will be discussed. It uses SDL to provide an interactive automata game. Issues regarding graphics, state, randomness, and garbage collection will be discussed.
  • Sieve of Eratosthenes exploits laziness to find primes (pretty simple but elegant).
  • Your project here! Do you want to share? Bring it along and share it with us.
So we're still looking for other presenters but please join us, bring your laptop, and lets get down to some functional hacking in Haskell!